中国,北京—2024年3月7日—Analog Devices, Inc. (Nasdaq: ADI)宣布,ADI的Sensinel™心肺管理(CPM)系统已获得美国食品药物监督管理局(FDA) 510(k)认证,并正式上市。这款紧凑型可穿戴设备是一种非侵入式远程管理系统,能够监测心肺生理数据,用于心力衰竭等慢性疾病的管理。这是ADI成立59年以来首次获得的FDA认证。
ADI数字医疗健康高级副总裁Patrick O'Doherty表示:“自公司创立以来,ADI一直致力于加速突破性创新,利用创新产品丰富人们的生活。通过将我们在可穿戴生命体征监测和信号处理领域的先进技术,与在心脏病专家指导下设计的算法相结合,我们成功研发出Sensinel CPM系统,它可以精确评估充血性心力衰竭患者的每日健康状况。这款以服务为导向的创新产品,不仅有可能为ADI公司开辟数十亿美元的全新市场,而且能够提升患者护理效果,优化临床医生的工作流程,并有效降低医疗成本。”
目前有超过600万美国人患有心力衰竭,预计到2030年,这一数字将增至近800万人。¹ 目前,心力衰竭每年给美国人带来约300亿美元的医疗开销,预计到2030年,这项费用将攀升至近700亿美元,¹ 其中大约80%是住院治疗费用。¹ 过往推出的一些监测类似健康指标的解决方案已被证明能够降低住院率。然而,这些解决方案通常要么是侵入式的,要么监测的数据不够精确和具体,无法在临床上产生显著影响。准确及时的数据至关重要,这可以让医疗团队提前预测并进行干预,从而避免患者因心力衰竭而支付昂贵的住院治疗费用。
Sensinel CPM系统是针对心力衰竭等心肺疾病管理的新一代解决方案。它具备一系列生理指标监测功能,可以辅助医护团队更早、更有效、更精确地远程管理慢性疾病。患者可自行佩戴ADI的Sensinel CPM可穿戴设备,在家庭护理环境下只需佩戴三到五分钟。佩戴后,设备会采集患者的心肺健康数据,并通过蜂窝链路将数据自动上传至ADI的Sensinel CPM云平台(无需患者自备互联网连接),并利用ADI的Sensinel CPM智能算法在云端进行进一步的分析处理。
美国纽约市西奈山莫宁赛德医院(Mount Sinai Morningside)心脏科主任Sean Pinney博士表示:“对于临床医生来说,尽早发现患者的生理变化是避免患者因心力衰竭入院治疗的关键。ADI的Sensinel CPM系统是一种高度准确、可重复且可靠的解决方案,有助于提升我们对病症发展的预见性,从而更好地护理患者。”
ADI院士兼ADI医疗产品管理总监Venu Gopinathan博士表示:“在管理心力衰竭等慢性疾病时,及早调整治疗措施以控制病情、避免住院,是非常重要的。目前其他一些非侵入式解决方案无法提供足够具体的数据,不能满足临床医生有效进行早期干预的需求。我们研发的新型心肺管理系统能够无缝融入护理工作流程,通过进行多种生理指标测量帮助医护团队尽早作出准确的临床决策,同时避免了信息过载的问题。”
ADI公司的Sensinel CPM系统现已上市。更多信息,请访问 。
关于Sensinel by Analog Devices™
Senseless by Analog Devices是一个全新的可穿戴医疗健康系列,旨在从根本上改变慢性疾病的管理方式,让患者能够以负担得起的方式提高生活质量。该系列的首款产品Sensinel CPM系统是一种非侵入式的家庭护理方案,能够监测心肺生理数据,用于心力衰竭等慢性疾病的管理。推出Sensinel系列的Analog Devices, Inc.是一家全球领先的半导体公司,拥有超过50年的医疗健康行业经验,特别是在检测、测量、计算、连接和电源等技术领域,推动加速人类的突破性创新,使我们的生活和世界更加丰富多彩。
Analog Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADI)是全球领先的半导体公司,致力于在现实世界与数字世界之间架起桥梁,以实现智能边缘领域的突破性创新。ADI提供结合模拟、数字和软件技术的解决方案,推动数字化工厂、汽车和数字医疗等领域的持续发展,应对气候变化挑战,并建立人与世界万物的可靠互联。ADI公司2023财年收入超过120亿美元,全球员工约2.6万人。携手全球12.5万家客户,ADI助力创新者不断超越一切可能。更多信息,请访问。
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements, which address a variety of subjects including, for example, statements regarding applications, benefits and growth opportunities related to Sensinel or other healthcare wearables; and other future events. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about our beliefs, plans and expectations, are forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on our current expectations and are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. The following important factors and uncertainties, among others, could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements: the effects of business, economic, political, legal and regulatory uncertainty or conflicts upon our global operations; changes in demand for semiconductors and the related changes in demand and supply for our products; manufacturing delays, product availability and supply chain disruptions; our future liquidity, capital needs and capital expenditures; our development of technologies and research and development investments; our ability to compete successfully in the markets in which we operate; changes in our estimates of our expected tax rates based on current tax law; adverse results in litigation matters; the risk that we will be unable to retain and hire key personnel; security breaches or other cyber incidents; unanticipated difficulties or expenditures relating to integrating Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. (“Maxim”); uncertainty as to the long-term value of our common stock; and the risk that expected benefits, synergies and growth prospects of acquisitions, including those from our acquisition of Maxim, may not be fully achieved in a timely manner, or at all. For additional information about factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements, please refer to our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the risk factors contained in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K. Forward-looking statements represent management’s current expectations and are inherently uncertain. Except as required by law, we do not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements made by us to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.
1.美国心脏协会,“Understand your risk for heart failure”(了解心力衰竭的风险),美国心脏协会网站,发布于2017年5月9日,更新于2023年6月13日,访问于2024年3月5日。
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