请问各位大侠,Wiring Harnesses的具体定义是什么啊??
什么样的产品才算是Wiring Harnesses ????
Wiring Harnesses的定义
Wiring Harnesses - Component
The devices covered under this category are incomplete in certain constructional features or restricted in performance capabilities and are intended for use as components of complete equipment submitted for investigation rather than for direct separate installation in the field. THE FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE COMPONENT IS DEPENDENT UPON ITS INSTALLATION AND USE IN COMPLETE EQUIPMENT SUBMITTED TO UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC.
This category covers wiring harnesses intended solely as factory-installed components of other equipment. These wiring harnesses are not intended for field installation.
Each wiring harness is normally constructed in accordance with a harness diagram and is generally designed for a specific application which is indicated on the diagram or carton marking.
The basic standard used to investigate products in this category is UL 817, "Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords."
The Recognition Mark of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (as illustrated below) on the smallest bundle or unit container in which the product is packaged is the only method provided by UL to identify these products manufactured under its Recognition and Follow-Up Service.
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Wiring Harnesses - Component
The devices covered under this category are incomplete in certain constructional features or restricted in performance capabilities and are intended for use as components of complete equipment submitted for investigation rather than for direct separate installation in the field. THE FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE COMPONENT IS DEPENDENT UPON ITS INSTALLATION AND USE IN COMPLETE EQUIPMENT SUBMITTED TO UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC.
This category covers wiring harnesses intended solely as factory-installed components of other equipment. These wiring harnesses are not intended for field installation.
Each wiring harness is normally constructed in accordance with a harness diagram and is generally designed for a specific application which is indicated on the diagram or carton marking.
The basic standard used to investigate products in this category is UL 817, "Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords."
The Recognition Mark of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (as illustrated below) on the smallest bundle or unit container in which the product is packaged is the only method provided by UL to identify these products manufactured under its Recognition and Follow-Up Service.

做Wiring Hamesses認證只需要申請一次UL認證就行了.送最複雜的樣品.