在另个电脑中仿真出现error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:09)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Automatically generate initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):automatically calculated (less than:1e+030)
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):automatically calculated (less than:1e+030)
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+012
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 1e-005 1e+030 0 1e-005 auto_ic auto_tstep auto_tmax
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Multisim Default Analysis Options
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+012
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | starting Gmin stepping
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | Gmin step failed
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | Gmin stepping failed
| | starting source stepping
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | source stepping failed
| | DC operating point failed. Resimulating with UIC.
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:13)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Automatically generate initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):automatically calculated (less than:1e+030)
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):automatically calculated (less than:1e+030)
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+012
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 1e-005 1e+030 0 1e-005 auto_ic auto_tstep auto_tmax
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Multisim Default Analysis Options
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+012
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | starting Gmin stepping
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | Gmin step failed
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | Gmin stepping failed
| | starting source stepping
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | source stepping failed
| | DC operating point failed. Resimulating with UIC.
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:18)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Automatically generate initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):automatically calculated (less than:1e+030)
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):automatically calculated (less than:1e+030)
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set method = "gear"
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+012
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 1e-005 1e+030 0 1e-005 auto_ic auto_tstep auto_tmax
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Custom Analysis Options
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Integration method: gear
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+012
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | starting Gmin stepping
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | Gmin step failed
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | Gmin stepping failed
| | starting source stepping
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | source stepping failed
| | DC operating point failed. Resimulating with UIC.
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:23)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Zero initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):automatically calculated (less than:1e+030)
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):automatically calculated (less than:1e+030)
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set method = "gear"
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+012
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 1e-005 1e+030 0 1e-005 zero_ic auto_tstep auto_tmax
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Custom Analysis Options
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Integration method: gear
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+012
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:27)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Zero initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):0.0001
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):0.0001
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set method = "gear"
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+012
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 0.0001 1e+030 0 0.0001 zero_ic
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Custom Analysis Options
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Integration method: gear
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+012
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:30)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Zero initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):0.001
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):0.001
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set method = "gear"
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+012
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 0.001 1e+030 0 0.001 zero_ic
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Custom Analysis Options
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Integration method: gear
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+012
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:33)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Zero initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):0.001
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):0.001
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set reltol = 0.01
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set method = "gear"
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+012
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 0.001 1e+030 0 0.001 zero_ic
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Custom Analysis Options
| | | Relative error tolerance: 0.01
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Integration method: gear
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+012
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:35)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Zero initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):0.001
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):0.001
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set reltol = 0.01
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set method = "gear"
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+009
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 0.001 1e+030 0 0.001 zero_ic
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Custom Analysis Options
| | | Relative error tolerance: 0.01
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Integration method: gear
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+009
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:38)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Zero initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):0.001
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):0.001
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set reltol = 0.01
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set method = "gear"
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+008
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 0.001 1e+030 0 0.001 zero_ic
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Custom Analysis Options
| | | Relative error tolerance: 0.01
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Integration method: gear
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+008
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:42)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Zero initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):0.001
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):0.001
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set reltol = 0.01
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set method = "gear"
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+007
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 0.001 1e+030 0 0.001 zero_ic
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Custom Analysis Options
| | | Relative error tolerance: 0.01
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Integration method: gear
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+007
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:45)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Zero initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):0.001
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):0.001
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set reltol = 0.01
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl1 = 200
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set method = "gear"
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+007
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 0.001 1e+030 0 0.001 zero_ic
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Custom Analysis Options
| | | Relative error tolerance: 0.01
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | DC iteration limit: 200
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Integration method: gear
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+007
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:47)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Zero initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):0.001
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):0.001
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set reltol = 0.01
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl1 = 300
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set method = "gear"
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+007
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 0.001 1e+030 0 0.001 zero_ic
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Custom Analysis Options
| | | Relative error tolerance: 0.01
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | DC iteration limit: 300
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Integration method: gear
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+007
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:50)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Zero initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):0.001
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):0.001
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set gmin = 1e-007
| | | set reltol = 0.01
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl1 = 300
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set method = "gear"
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+007
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 0.001 1e+030 0 0.001 zero_ic
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Custom Analysis Options
| | | Minimum conductance: 1e-007
| | | Relative error tolerance: 0.01
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | DC iteration limit: 300
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Integration method: gear
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+007
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:53)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Zero initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):0.0001
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):0.0001
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set gmin = 1e-007
| | | set reltol = 0.01
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl1 = 300
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set method = "gear"
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+007
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 0.0001 1e+030 0 0.0001 zero_ic
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Custom Analysis Options
| | | Minimum conductance: 1e-007
| | | Relative error tolerance: 0.01
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | DC iteration limit: 300
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Integration method: gear
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+007
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(68):d1 13 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(69):d2 14 17 $generic
error in D:\CIRCUI~1.0\02.CIR.cir(112):.model $generic:xu1 d (is=8n n=2 bv=500 rs=400m tt=1n cjo=2.5p vj=700m m=100m)
Instrument operation performed (2013, May 30, Thursday, 09:19:56)
| Instrument Analysis:Transient Analysis
| | Plot title:
| | Analysis settings
| | | Initial Conditions:Zero initial conditions
| | | Starting time (TSTART):0
| | | Stop time (TSTOP):1e+030
| | | Plotting increment (TSTEP):1e-005
| | | Maximum time step (TMAX):1e-005
| | Perform consistency check
| | Variables from analysis
| | | Show device values at the end of the simulation
| | Representation as SPICE commands
| | | begin-scope page
| | | checknodes 3
| | | save all
| | | iplot all
| | | set gmin = 1e-007
| | | set reltol = 0.01
| | | set trtol = 7
| | | set itl1 = 300
| | | set itl4 = 100
| | | set method = "gear"
| | | set convlimit
| | | set rshunt = 1e+007
| | | -param hrange 0 1e+030
| | | save
| | | tran -env-options 1e-005 1e+030 0 1e-005 zero_ic
| | | if-error end-scope audit-log-show
| | | show all
| | | showmod all
| | | end-scope
| | Custom Analysis Options
| | | Minimum conductance: 1e-007
| | | Relative error tolerance: 0.01
| | | Truncation error overestimation factor: 7
| | | DC iteration limit: 300
| | | Upper transient iteration limit: 100
| | | Integration method: gear
| | | Enable convergence assistance for code models
| | | Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground: 1e+007
| Output from instrument analysis
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | singular matrix: check nodes be1_ti0:xu1#branch and $:xu1----in2
| | TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint:trouble with ($generic:xu1) d1:xu1
| | doAnalyses: timestep too small
| |
| |
| | tran simulation(s) aborted