GCQC368锂电池保护方案,包括GC1318和两片X3100/01,可以管理6/7/8/9/10 节锂电池,智能实现锂电池的测量、保护、平衡等管理功能.
Solution GCQC368 is using 1 GC1318 and 2 X3100/01 to manage 6/7/8/9/10 Li-ion battery in series. The solution provides smart battery control function such as battery voltage/current/capacity measurement, battery over/under voltage, over current short circuit protection, battery cell-balancing management.
Every parameter of the protection such as voltage, current, temperature, can be stored in the EEPROM of GC1318 with the GC-SmartLoader and GC-PackManager.
The solution, can smartly calculate the battery capacity, record the charging/discharging cycle, and provide the FCC capacity re-learning function.
2. 特性Characteristic,
*GC1318 centrally control the smart battery management.
*Provide multi-cell pack connect such as 2Px6/7/8/9/10S.
*Provide the second protection for over/under voltage, over current with software and hardware mechanism.
*System capacity is calculated by the accurate current detection.
*All the protection and battery parameters, are set and protected in the EEPROM of GC1318.
*All the real-time data is stored and protected in the EEPROM of GC1318.
*All the real-time parameters such as temperature, current, voltage, capacity and the battery status, can be read through the SMBus.
*High precision detection in voltage and current.
*The GC1318 can provide the In-Application-Programming(IAP). This will provide a good inventory control for different kind of product.
*GC1318, can smartly control the cell-balancing circuit.
*GC1318 has several kind of sleep mode to achieve system in the low power consumption.
*Short-circuit and reverse connection of the battery power terminal, will be protected.