我在ANSI C63.4里没有查到关于DC POWER端传导的限值,该产品是一款直流电源供电的充电器,本身自己是不配电源适配器的.请各位达人指教啊!!!谢谢……
你的問題必須以 47CFR (FCC) 15.107(d) 法令判定. ANSI C 63.4 僅是測試方法.
即是否僅由電池供電或是不會連接至 "市電(AC)", 無傳導要求. 但是如果可附加 AC/DC 配接器(火牛) 那麼..... 還是應該隨著火牛量測傳導值.
至於 e5pl 所說的 DC LISN 是用來測車用/電信局端. 75 V 是 LVD 安規指令. 你都知道 ANSI 63.4 , 我就不多說了.
15.107(d) Measurements to demonstrate compliance with the conducted limits are not required for devices which only employ battery power for operation and which do not operate from the AC power lines or contain provisions for operation while connected to the AC power lines. Devices that include, or make provision for, the use of battery chargers which permit operating while charging, AC adaptors or battery eliminators or that connect to the AC power lines indirectly, obtaining their power through another device which is connected to the AC power lines, shall be tested to demonstrate compliance with the conducted limits.
即是否僅由電池供電或是不會連接至 "市電(AC)", 無傳導要求. 但是如果可附加 AC/DC 配接器(火牛) 那麼..... 還是應該隨著火牛量測傳導值.
至於 e5pl 所說的 DC LISN 是用來測車用/電信局端. 75 V 是 LVD 安規指令. 你都知道 ANSI 63.4 , 我就不多說了.
15.107(d) Measurements to demonstrate compliance with the conducted limits are not required for devices which only employ battery power for operation and which do not operate from the AC power lines or contain provisions for operation while connected to the AC power lines. Devices that include, or make provision for, the use of battery chargers which permit operating while charging, AC adaptors or battery eliminators or that connect to the AC power lines indirectly, obtaining their power through another device which is connected to the AC power lines, shall be tested to demonstrate compliance with the conducted limits.
你的問題必須以47CFR(FCC)15.107(d)法令判定.ANSIC63.4僅是測試方法. 即是否僅由電池供電或是不會連接至"市電(AC)",無傳導要求.但是如果可附加AC/DC配接器(火牛)那麼.....還是應該隨著火牛量測傳導值.至於e5pl所說的DCLISN是用來測車用/電信局端.75V是LVD安規指令.你都知道ANSI63.4,我就不多說了. 15.107(d)MeasurementstodemonstratecompliancewiththeconductedlimitsarenotrequiredfordeviceswhichonlyemploybatterypowerforoperationandwhichdonotoperatefromtheACpowerlinesorcontainprovisionsforoperationwhileconnectedtotheACpowerlines.Devicesthatinclude,ormakeprovisionfor,theuseofbatterychargerswhichpermitoperatingwhilecharging,ACadaptorsorbatteryeliminatorsorthatconnecttotheACpowerlinesindirectly,obtainingtheirpowerthroughanotherdevicewhichisconnectedtotheACpowerlines,shallbetestedtodemonstratecompliancewiththeconductedlimits.
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