Support and help customers in the design and development of different electronics product to meet their goal of achieving high standard quality and new technology design by bridging customers to Salcomp manufacturing environment and systems;
To work together with both electronics and mechanical engineers in converting customer R&D requirements like customer’s bill of material, drawing specifications, mechanical test requirements and DFM requirements;
Perform tooling DFM with plastic tooling suppliers, qualification and tooling approval;
Lead the communication to the customer R&D when it comes to their design specifications, mechanical drawing specifications and mechanical test requirements;
Support production people in their process improvement, DOEs, and up-to-date release of documents like BOM and mechanical drawings in the system to support production build.
Education/学历:Mechanical Engineering or other related major/courses.
Language/语言:English is a must.
Experience & skill/经验、技能:
At least 3 year of experience in consumer electronics design & development;
Experienced in trouble-shooting of manufacturing /tooling issues in low and high volume, fast-paced production environment;
Computer proficient in 2D & 3D software, 3D file management applications, Engineering simulation software and MS Office applications;
Knowledgeable in fabrication of plastic and metal parts using different process such as Injection Molding, Double Injection Molding, Sheet Metal Stamping;
Can multi-task & willing to render overtime as needed.
赛尔康公司主要从事研发和生产用于手机和其他电子设备的充电器,是手机和平板电脑充电器的市场领导者,客户主要为国内外各大知名手机制造商。赛尔康自主产品平台生产的电源适配器也适用于平板电脑、笔记本、网关、路由器、机顶盒、照明和其他电子应用领域。 赛尔康在中国、巴西和印度设有生产基地,在美国、巴西、韩国、日本以及台北设有销售中心和办事处。全球拥有约12000名员工。 赛尔康于2002年正式开始在中国运营,赛尔康技术(深圳)有限公司位于深圳市宝安区沙井芙蓉工业区,是国家评定的“高新技术企业”,并连续多年获得深圳市“工业百强企业”、“纳税百强”、“ 外贸出口百强”、“ 劳动用工守法诚信企业”等荣誉称号。赛尔康深圳现有2000多名员工,主要从事研发、货源、制造、销售和服务工作。 2016年5月份,赛尔康公司及广西壮族自治区贵港市人民政府签订了投资合作协议,落实于贵港市兴建新厂区,进一步拓展赛尔康在中国国内的生产业务。新厂区将是赛尔康在国内第二个厂区,亦是其位于全球的第6个厂区。新厂区建筑面积近10万平方米,并于2017年第三季度投入生产。公司地址:深圳市宝安区沙井镇新桥芙蓉工业区赛尔康大道赛尔康技术(深圳)有限公司 公司实行五天八小时制,有穿梭巴士往返工厂与市区接送职员上下班,
现有主要线路如下:1. 东莞线(途经万江简沙洲-万科金域华府-东泰花园南-丰硕广场-江南世家-工人文化宫--东莞万江汽车总站-汽车总站红绿灯路口辅道等地) 2. 西乡线(途经西乡前岸国际酒店-西乡地铁口/米罗咖啡-大益广场等地)3. 桃源线(途经桃源居-鹤州路口-鹤州桥底等地)4. 宝安体育馆线(途经宝安体育馆-创业天虹-裕安路口--丽景城-御龙居站台等地)5. 梅林线(途经五和大道与长发西路交叉路口--民治路口-锦秀江南-简上村公交总站等地)6. 布吉线(途经大布吉大芬-东方半岛-丽湖花园-杨美地铁站-坂田地铁站等地) 7. 蛇口线(途经阳光玫瑰园站-后海新村-南山茶叶城-南山海雅百货等地)8. 南山线(途经大新地铁站-白石洲 -松坪山等地) 9. 龙华线(途经龙华文化广场--大润发站台-龙华地铁站---华星光电等地)