DC-DC|原装现货|MP1410|MP1482|MP1484|MP2359|ACT4060一手货源,价格优势,品质稳定!专业提供!MP1410:Features. 2A output current. 0.22Ω internal power mosfet switch stable with low esr output ceramic capacitors. Up to 95% efficiency . 25µA shutdown mode. Fixed 450khz Frequency. Thermal shutdown. Cycle-by-cycle Over current Protection. Wide 4.75 to 25V operating Input range. Output Adjustalble from 1.22v to 21v MP1482:Features. 2A output current. 0.22Ω internal power mosfet switch stable with low esr output ceramic capacitors. Wide 4.75 to 23V operating Input range. Up to 95% efficiency . Programmable Soft-Start. Stable with low Esr ceramic output capacitors. Fixed 400khz Frequency. Cycle-by-cycle Over current Protection. Thermally Enhanced 8-pin SOIC Pakage MP1484:Features. 3A output current. Wide 4.75 to 23V operating Input range. Integrated 100mΩ power mosfet switches. Up to 95% efficiency . Fixed 400khz Frequency. Cycle-by-cycle Over current Protection. Output Adjustalble from 0.952v to 20v.Input under voltage lockout.Thermally Enhanced 8-pin Soic package. Programmable Soft-start. Stable with low Esr ceramic output capacitors 深圳市新源电子科技有限公司销售经理:王铮联系电话:15820787931 0755-82719379 /77QQ:1604674316邮箱