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bq20z95 SOV

BQ20z95 SOV flag raised issue.

1.       Duplication conditions as below diagram;

²   Pins PRES/PACK+ of BQ20z95 Battery connect with NB PCM.


²   Measured PACK+/PRES waveform as below;


Figure showed CH2 is PRES, CH3 is PACK+.

Pin PRES waveform is almost as same as PACK+ waveform.


2.       Measured NB PCM connector’s resistance by DM;


Table showed each pin resistance.




3.       Did shorting between pin PACK+ and PRES of battery pack;


Figure showed CH2 is PRES, CH3 is PACK+.

Pin PRES waveform is equal to PACK+ waveform.


4.       Did testing to connect pin PACK+ and PRES by different resistor value;


Table showed result is OK that PACK+ not output.

Result is failed that PACK+ output voltage.


Figure showed item 4 testing diagram.




5.       Power supply output 7V/10V contact with pin PRES of BAT;

²   Did logging data by EVSW and created curve as below;


Figure showed bq20z95 reported abnormal higher voltage when 7V contacting with PRES.


Figure showed bq20z95 reported abnormal higher voltage when 10V contacting with




When only connecting pin PACK+/PRES of BAT with NB board, NB circuit cause PRES be pulled low. BQ20z95 PACK+ output high voltage through NB circuit to contact pin PRES. Gauge reports abnormal high error voltage affected SOV flag raise.


