关于镇流器 emc 一个问题
正在制作一个镇流器L6561+IR2153 230V 2*54W 在EMC测试时,遇到了问题 情况如图 后面上翘的怎么也压不下去,请各位帮我看看 共模(EE25 40mH)+电容(330n)+电感(EE16 1.0mH)+整流+电容(220n)
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关于镇流器 emc 一个问题
EMI choke value
I think the EMI choke is a little small.As you know, for the LF filter, the main component is capcitor,which you are using is 330n, i think it is enough to have a good result. According to you picuture,i think the key problem is that it can not filter the HFI.maybe you can increase the value of the emi choke.
I think the EMI choke is a little small.As you know, for the LF filter, the main component is capcitor,which you are using is 330n, i think it is enough to have a good result. According to you picuture,i think the key problem is that it can not filter the HFI.maybe you can increase the value of the emi choke.