迪浦PUOLOP原厂直供,中间没有代理价格,价格优势,带原厂技术方案支持 中高低MOS管,MOS管PTD3004 30V 50A
充电器.适配器 LED驱动电源 3W到60W 方案,带技术方案支持,直接原厂工程对接解决
同时生产成品高中低MOS管和单芯片MCU 民业和工业级。雾化器,蓝牙耳机,空气清醒器,小家电,TV电源
Di pu PUOLOP factory direct supply, no agent price, price advantage, with original factory technical solutions to support the MOS tube, MOS tube PTD3004 30 v 50 aCharger. Adapter LED drive power to 60 w 3 w plan, take technical solutions support, original project docking solution directlyAt the same time production of finished products including MOS tube and single chip MCU industry and industrial grade. Atomizer, bluetooth headset, the air is clear, small appliances, TV power supply
The phone 13682379002
邮箱 qudy1987@163.com
AO3404 30 v n沟道增强型MOSF VDS = 30 v RDS ()、Vgs@10V Ids@5.8A < 38 mrd(上),Vgs@4.5V, Ids@5.0A < 52米 特性 先进的海沟过程技术 高密度超单元设计低导通电阻