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2005-08-09 18:21
1690.1 Two straight 300-mm or 12-inch specimens of the single- or multiple-conductor construction are
to be cut from a sample length of any convenient size of the finished wire or cable on which the ink printing
is being evaluated. The specimens are to be handled minimally and are not to be wiped, scraped, or
otherwise cleaned in any way.
1690.2 One of the specimens is to be aged in a circulating-air oven that complies with 420.8 and 420.9,
including 100 – 200 fresh-air changes per hour, operating for the time and at the temperature specified
for the insulation or jacketing material whose outer surface is printed, and is then to be removed from the
oven and kept in still air to cool to room temperature for 60 min before being tested. The one remaining
specimen is to rest for at least 24 h in still air at 23.0 ±5.0°C (73.4 ±9.0°F) before being tested.
1690.3 The test is to be made using a weight whose lower face is machined to a flat, rectangular surface
measuring 25 mm by 50 mm or 1 inch by 2 inches. The height of the weight is to be uniform to ensure
even distribution of the weight throughout the area of the lower face. Clamps or other means are to be
provided for securing to the lower face of the weight a layer of craft felt (composition not specified) that
is 1.2 mm or 0.047 inch thick. Without the felt in place, the weight and the means for securing the felt to
the weight are to exert 450 ±5 g or 1 lbf ±0.2 ozf or 4.45 ±0.06 N on a specimen. It is appropriate to use
the felt for several tests; however, the felt is to be replaced as soon as the fibers flatten or become soiled.
While not in use, the weight is to be stored resting on one of its surfaces that is not covered with felt. The
apparatus and the specimens are to be in thermal equilibrium with the surrounding air at a temperature
of 23.0 ±5.0°C (73.4 ±9.0°F) throughout the test. Each specimen is to be placed on a solid, flat, horizontal
surface with the printing up and at the center of the length of the specimen. The ends of each specimen
are to be bent around supports or otherwise secured to keep the printed area of the insulation or jacket
from rotating out from under the weight.
1690.4 The felted surface of the weight is to be placed on the printed area of a specimen with the felted
surface horizontal and with the 50-mm or 2-inch dimension of the felted surface parallel to the length of
the specimen. With the weight so resting on the specimen, the felt is to be slid lengthwise by hand along
the printed area of the specimen for a total of three cycles. Each cycle is to consist of one complete
back-and-forth motion covering the entire length of the specimen. The three cycles of rubbing are to be
completed at an even pace, taking a total time of 5 – 10 s. The procedure is to be repeated on the second
specimen. Where the printing is illegible on either of the two specimens, the ink printing on the wire or
cable does not comply.