我做了2000个15mH 的DR电感样品给客人,尺寸,圈数,电感量都没有问题,但客人说这个电感应该在15V到170V之间都是可以承受的,在仪器上测试时发现60V以下是没问题且有波纹,但60V以上时,那个电感就越来越热,最后波纹就消失了,请高手告诉我问题会在哪里呢?谢谢
We haven’t seen the waveform of or equipment, but it have a range between 15V and 170V. Up to 60V we don´t have problems with the device, but when the voltage is increased the inductors become warming up. Through the time, the inductors become hot and hot and the waveform is damaged