operating Ambien temm:50
cooling Source:Forced Air
Forced Air Cooling :continue
Type:Full Bridge,igbt
Operating Frequency:20KHz
Power Level :2.4KW
Input Voltage :230VAC,maximum 250VAC
Output Voltage(s):12VDC with load (in AC is this about 15VAc)
the Secundary shall have the centerap .
Without load the output could be less than 35VAC
Output Current(s) :+/-200A
Duty Cycle:40%
Weight :+/-1KG
请问我选用E80/38/20 3F3 磁芯两对,可不可做这个变压器呀,我是第一次碰这种大功率的变压器,请各大哥进来讨论一下,这样设计这种变压器.