500) {this.resized=true; this.width=500; this.alt='这是一张缩略图,点击可放大。\n按住CTRL,滚动鼠标滚轮可自由缩放';this.style.cursor='hand'}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://u.dianyuan.com/bbs/u/65/659501212017177.gif');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);"> 659501212017194.doc
500) {this.resized=true; this.width=500; this.alt='这是一张缩略图,点击可放大。\n按住CTRL,滚动鼠标滚轮可自由缩放';this.style.cursor='hand'}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://u.dianyuan.com/bbs/u/65/659501212017177.gif');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);"> 659501212017194.doc
第一篇 开关电源的优化设计
第一章 绪论
第一节 电源
第二节 负载
第三节 安全
第二章 电路拓朴的实用选择
第一节 概述
第二节 一般性考虑
第三节 buck变换器
第四节 反激式变换器
第五节 buck—boost变换器
第六节 正激式变换器
第七节 推挽变换器
第八节 谐振变换器和软开关变换器
第九节 复合变换器
第三章 元器件的实用选择
第四章 仪器的实用指导
第一节 概述
第二节 计算器和计算方法
第三节 数字万用表和其他仪表
第四节 电子负载
第五节 示波器
第六节 网络分析仪
第七节 奈硅斯特图
第五章 磁性元件的实用设计
第一节 磁的基础知识
第二节 理想变压器
第三节 实际变压器
第四节 直流电感的实际设计
第五节 反激式变压器的设计实例
第六节 正激式变换器的设计实例
第七节 电流互感器的设计实例
第八节 可批量生产的磁性元件设计技术
第九节 设计分析
第六章 实用反蚀设计
第一节 概述
第二节 传递函数
第三节 基本的控制理论
第四节 如何让电压型buck变换器稳定
第五节 电流模式控制
第六节 无量小相位系统
第七节 系统的稳定性控制
第八节 仿真技术探索
第七章 实用控制和监控电路设计
第八章 实用效率和热管理
第九章 PuEMI控制方法
第十章 实用最差情况分析方法
第二篇 磁路与电路设计
第一章 变压器磁设计发展
第二章 双极型大功率晶体管的基极驱动电路
第三章 大功率场效应管(M0sFET)及其驱动电路
第四章 磁放大器后级调节器
第五章 缓冲网络
第六章 反馈环路的稳定
第七章 谐振变换器
第三篇 开关电源新技术
第一章 功率因数及功率因数校正
第二章 电子镇流器
第三章 用于笔记本电脑和便携式电子设备的低输入电压变换器
第四篇 高频开关稳压电源优化设计
第一章 开关稳压电源常用的元器件
第二章 开关稳压电源中常用的基本电路
第三章 变换器
第四章 驱动电路
第五章 开关电源中的变压器和电感器
第六章 单片开关电源
第七章 模块电源
第八章 开关稳压电源的优化设计
第九章 开关电源的电磁兼容性优化设计
第十章 开关电源的可靠性预测和可靠性设计
第十一章 开关电源的散热设计
第五篇 新型高频开关电源实例详解
第一章 PFc高频有源功率因数校正技术
第二章 cM6805 CM6903/4复合PFc/PwM特性;具有“ICST”输入电流整形技术的前沿调制PFC控制电路
第三章 用CM6800/01制作:300~800W高功率因数的开关稳压电源
第四章 能直观灵敏、精确地测量打印出电源电网输入电流波形,真实反功率因数校正结果的“三合一”简捷方法
第五章 LTC3900同步整流控制器新品用于正激变换器输出低压大电流的开关电源
第六章 用同步整流控制器sTSR3大幅提高反激变换器电源整机效率
第七章 LTC3901同步整流控制器用于推挽变换器和全桥变换器开关电源
第八章 实体解剖、全面测量两种:3500W高档大功率开关电源:直流输出48/V70A和350V/10A
第九章 实体解剖两科~6000W高档开关电源,自制成功多块PFc控制板的技术价值
第十章 3kw、6kw电源用高速IGBT、四螺孔线接线封装MOSFET、单相受控整流桥、精密电流传感器、高性能驱动器IC
第十一章 制作简化的20w、40W反激式开关电源,主变压器绕制实测多组高压脉冲波形
第十二章 STSR2同步整流与同步续流控制器在正激变换器的应用电路分析
第十三章 LTC3722同步双模式移相全桥控制器设计特点:提供自适应ZVS延迟导通,显著减少占空比丢失
第十四章 全桥变换器移相控制软开关电源一个完整工作周期的12个过程分析
第十五章 制作两种1000W全桥软开关电源的试验数据、实测波形、主变压器绕制方法
第十六章 制作2000W全桥软开关电源的输出电感器参数试验、重视以监测原边电流波形变化来选L0值
第十七章 UCC3895和UC3879全桥变换器移相控制专用集成电路
第十八章 大型开关电源功率因数校正经典专用U3854(N)/A/B详解
第十九章 设计制作双管正激变换器高可靠200~300W开关源实验
第二十章 设计制作半桥变换器500W开关电源实验
第二十一章 开关电源控制电路用精密运算放大器
第二十二章 开关电源控制电路用光耦合集成电路
第二十三章 开关电源控制电路用精密电压基准集成电路
第二十四章 MLA425无传感器的直流无刷三相电机控制器及应用
第二十五章 高频开关电源专用集成电路的分类与发展
第一篇 开关电源的优化设计
第一章 绪论
第一节 电源
第二节 负载
第三节 安全
第二章 电路拓朴的实用选择
第一节 概述
第二节 一般性考虑
第三节 buck变换器
第四节 反激式变换器
第五节 buck—boost变换器
第六节 正激式变换器
第七节 推挽变换器
第八节 谐振变换器和软开关变换器
第九节 复合变换器
第三章 元器件的实用选择
第四章 仪器的实用指导
第一节 概述
第二节 计算器和计算方法
第三节 数字万用表和其他仪表
第四节 电子负载
第五节 示波器
第六节 网络分析仪
第七节 奈硅斯特图
第五章 磁性元件的实用设计
第一节 磁的基础知识
第二节 理想变压器
第三节 实际变压器
第四节 直流电感的实际设计
第五节 反激式变压器的设计实例
第六节 正激式变换器的设计实例
第七节 电流互感器的设计实例
第八节 可批量生产的磁性元件设计技术
第九节 设计分析
第六章 实用反蚀设计
第一节 概述
第二节 传递函数
第三节 基本的控制理论
第四节 如何让电压型buck变换器稳定
第五节 电流模式控制
第六节 无量小相位系统
第七节 系统的稳定性控制
第八节 仿真技术探索
第七章 实用控制和监控电路设计
第八章 实用效率和热管理
第九章 PuEMI控制方法
第十章 实用最差情况分析方法
第二篇 磁路与电路设计
第一章 变压器磁设计发展
第二章 双极型大功率晶体管的基极驱动电路
第三章 大功率场效应管(M0sFET)及其驱动电路
第四章 磁放大器后级调节器
第五章 缓冲网络
第六章 反馈环路的稳定
第七章 谐振变换器
第三篇 开关电源新技术
第一章 功率因数及功率因数校正
第二章 电子镇流器
第三章 用于笔记本电脑和便携式电子设备的低输入电压变换器
第四篇 高频开关稳压电源优化设计
第一章 开关稳压电源常用的元器件
第二章 开关稳压电源中常用的基本电路
第三章 变换器
第四章 驱动电路
第五章 开关电源中的变压器和电感器
第六章 单片开关电源
第七章 模块电源
第八章 开关稳压电源的优化设计
第九章 开关电源的电磁兼容性优化设计
第十章 开关电源的可靠性预测和可靠性设计
第十一章 开关电源的散热设计
第五篇 新型高频开关电源实例详解
第一章 PFc高频有源功率因数校正技术
第二章 cM6805 CM6903/4复合PFc/PwM特性;具有“ICST”输入电流整形技术的前沿调制PFC控制电路
第三章 用CM6800/01制作:300~800W高功率因数的开关稳压电源
第四章 能直观灵敏、精确地测量打印出电源电网输入电流波形,真实反功率因数校正结果的“三合一”简捷方法
第五章 LTC3900同步整流控制器新品用于正激变换器输出低压大电流的开关电源
第六章 用同步整流控制器sTSR3大幅提高反激变换器电源整机效率
第七章 LTC3901同步整流控制器用于推挽变换器和全桥变换器开关电源
第八章 实体解剖、全面测量两种:3500W高档大功率开关电源:直流输出48/V70A和350V/10A
第九章 实体解剖两科~6000W高档开关电源,自制成功多块PFc控制板的技术价值
第十章 3kw、6kw电源用高速IGBT、四螺孔线接线封装MOSFET、单相受控整流桥、精密电流传感器、高性能驱动器IC
第十一章 制作简化的20w、40W反激式开关电源,主变压器绕制实测多组高压脉冲波形
第十二章 STSR2同步整流与同步续流控制器在正激变换器的应用电路分析
第十三章 LTC3722同步双模式移相全桥控制器设计特点:提供自适应ZVS延迟导通,显著减少占空比丢失
第十四章 全桥变换器移相控制软开关电源一个完整工作周期的12个过程分析
第十五章 制作两种1000W全桥软开关电源的试验数据、实测波形、主变压器绕制方法
第十六章 制作2000W全桥软开关电源的输出电感器参数试验、重视以监测原边电流波形变化来选L0值
第十七章 UCC3895和UC3879全桥变换器移相控制专用集成电路
第十八章 大型开关电源功率因数校正经典专用U3854(N)/A/B详解
第十九章 设计制作双管正激变换器高可靠200~300W开关源实验
第二十章 设计制作半桥变换器500W开关电源实验
第二十一章 开关电源控制电路用精密运算放大器
第二十二章 开关电源控制电路用光耦合集成电路
第二十三章 开关电源控制电路用精密电压基准集成电路
第二十四章 MLA425无传感器的直流无刷三相电机控制器及应用
第二十五章 高频开关电源专用集成电路的分类与发展
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您好!俺需要"第九章 开关电源的电磁兼容性优化设计",是否辛苦您发上来.谢谢!
这么贵,买原版好啦. 准备去Amazon买, 才75刀,不到980吧. xixi
Is Your Job Going to China?
Feb 1, 2006 12:00 PM
By Ron Lenk, Systems Applications Manager, Tyco Electronics Battery Systems, Menlo Park, Calif.
I talk to a lot of people in the United States in the power supply industry. These days, it seems, near the top of everyone's worry list is the question: “Will my job be exported to China?” As an example, Dell already spends most of its engineering effort on verifying Taiwanese designs, not doing their own. A few years ago, we heard about all the manufacturing jobs that were moving to China. Now, every day in the news we hear about China cranking out huge numbers of engineers from schools, and we have to wonder whether all of our engineering jobs also are doomed.
Ten or even five years ago, I had a ready answer for such concerns. “Chinese engineers are pretty low level,” I told people. “If it's difficult like a power supply, the American engineers end up doing the design work; and don't even think about creativity.” But, this isn't true any longer.
One of my friends who built up a semiconductor design house in Shanghai told me that he has hired engineers with only two years of experience who perform as well as U.S. engineers with 10 years of experience. The secret? In China, they don't mind working 12-hour days and on weekends. Hard work can make up for a lot of inexperience.
And then there's the cost. An engineer in China is making one-sixth of my salary, and the company doesn't have to spend much money dealing with environmental regulations, social security and the host of other U.S. regulations.
Now, according to an article in Electronic Engineering Times, the number of engineers coming out of Chinese universities isn't the 600,000 per year that has been reported; and it may very well be that number includes people in two-year programs, technicians and even empty seats in government-approved engineering schools.[1] But, even with those caveats, that's still a lot of engineers.
There is also a downside to exporting engineering to China, of course (and maybe you'll want to bring this to your boss's attention). For one thing, it can be very challenging to manage an engineering team that is distant by a 12-hour time difference and 17-hour flying time. It takes special skills to manage a multinational team, and even more so when there is the potential for language difficulties. A more challenging problem is that there doesn't seem to be such a thing as a trade secret in China. Everyone knows everything. And patents aren't much better.
Step back a bit and take an historical perspective. In the 1980s, there was a lot of talk that the Japanese would take over all the U.S. jobs, because they knew how to do low-cost, quality manufacturing. But after a few years, the U.S. also learned how to produce high quality at low cost. Some of the jobs never returned, but Japan hit a natural limit as the cost of living rose there, to where living in Japan is now more expensive than in the United States. Nowadays, Japan too is worried about losing jobs to China.
Now all the talk is about China taking over from the United States. The difference from the Japanese case is that there are a lot more Chinese than Americans or Japanese. There are of course some natural limits for China, too. However, it will take decades before the standard of living in China can rise to anything approaching that in the West. During that time, we can expect to see engineering jobs — maybe most of them — continuing to migrate east.
For years, we've been worrying that the population of power supply engineers has been aging, and that there won't be any new engineers to do the work. So maybe having a bunch of excellent engineers in China is actually a good thing. There can be opportunities for co-design and mentoring — in both directions. Some engineering jobs, particularly in the military, will always remain in the United States (I hope). And probably your and my jobs are OK, at least until we retire. But just in case, I'm telling my children to try something like materials science, since nanotechnology will be big in the future. Design of high-volume power supplies in the United States may pretty much disappear.
Electronic Engineering Times, Jan. 18, 2006.
Ron Lenk has been working with power electronics for more than 20 years and is the author of the best-seller “Practical Design of Power Supplies.” He serves on the advisory board for Power Electronics Technology. The opinions expressed here are his, and do not necessarily reflect those of this magazine or Tyco. ronald.lenk@tycoelectronics.com
Feb 1, 2006 12:00 PM
By Ron Lenk, Systems Applications Manager, Tyco Electronics Battery Systems, Menlo Park, Calif.
I talk to a lot of people in the United States in the power supply industry. These days, it seems, near the top of everyone's worry list is the question: “Will my job be exported to China?” As an example, Dell already spends most of its engineering effort on verifying Taiwanese designs, not doing their own. A few years ago, we heard about all the manufacturing jobs that were moving to China. Now, every day in the news we hear about China cranking out huge numbers of engineers from schools, and we have to wonder whether all of our engineering jobs also are doomed.
Ten or even five years ago, I had a ready answer for such concerns. “Chinese engineers are pretty low level,” I told people. “If it's difficult like a power supply, the American engineers end up doing the design work; and don't even think about creativity.” But, this isn't true any longer.
One of my friends who built up a semiconductor design house in Shanghai told me that he has hired engineers with only two years of experience who perform as well as U.S. engineers with 10 years of experience. The secret? In China, they don't mind working 12-hour days and on weekends. Hard work can make up for a lot of inexperience.
And then there's the cost. An engineer in China is making one-sixth of my salary, and the company doesn't have to spend much money dealing with environmental regulations, social security and the host of other U.S. regulations.
Now, according to an article in Electronic Engineering Times, the number of engineers coming out of Chinese universities isn't the 600,000 per year that has been reported; and it may very well be that number includes people in two-year programs, technicians and even empty seats in government-approved engineering schools.[1] But, even with those caveats, that's still a lot of engineers.
There is also a downside to exporting engineering to China, of course (and maybe you'll want to bring this to your boss's attention). For one thing, it can be very challenging to manage an engineering team that is distant by a 12-hour time difference and 17-hour flying time. It takes special skills to manage a multinational team, and even more so when there is the potential for language difficulties. A more challenging problem is that there doesn't seem to be such a thing as a trade secret in China. Everyone knows everything. And patents aren't much better.
Step back a bit and take an historical perspective. In the 1980s, there was a lot of talk that the Japanese would take over all the U.S. jobs, because they knew how to do low-cost, quality manufacturing. But after a few years, the U.S. also learned how to produce high quality at low cost. Some of the jobs never returned, but Japan hit a natural limit as the cost of living rose there, to where living in Japan is now more expensive than in the United States. Nowadays, Japan too is worried about losing jobs to China.
Now all the talk is about China taking over from the United States. The difference from the Japanese case is that there are a lot more Chinese than Americans or Japanese. There are of course some natural limits for China, too. However, it will take decades before the standard of living in China can rise to anything approaching that in the West. During that time, we can expect to see engineering jobs — maybe most of them — continuing to migrate east.
For years, we've been worrying that the population of power supply engineers has been aging, and that there won't be any new engineers to do the work. So maybe having a bunch of excellent engineers in China is actually a good thing. There can be opportunities for co-design and mentoring — in both directions. Some engineering jobs, particularly in the military, will always remain in the United States (I hope). And probably your and my jobs are OK, at least until we retire. But just in case, I'm telling my children to try something like materials science, since nanotechnology will be big in the future. Design of high-volume power supplies in the United States may pretty much disappear.
Electronic Engineering Times, Jan. 18, 2006.
Ron Lenk has been working with power electronics for more than 20 years and is the author of the best-seller “Practical Design of Power Supplies.” He serves on the advisory board for Power Electronics Technology. The opinions expressed here are his, and do not necessarily reflect those of this magazine or Tyco. ronald.lenk@tycoelectronics.com