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Searching for licenses ...
SABER_SIMULATOR:                 license.
Template pwmtype
Template info_types
Template pwm_info
Template q_3p
Template disch
Template op3type
Template op3inp
Template pwli
Template op3out
Template op3c
Template op3rpz
Template zd
Template opamp
Template include_uc3525a
Template ide_tech
Template ide_d2an
Template vref
Template rmposc
Template electric_enums
Template driver
Template totem
Template siglio
Function ratingbpn
Function pwmpar
Template short
Template pwld
Template clampv
Template comp_l4
Template tff_l4
Template clock_l4
Template nrlch_l4
Template logic_op
Template or3_l4
Template or2_l4
Function tmpval
Template sg1525a
*** ERROR "TER_NOT_AUTH" *** No authorization to use data in file:
Template spqtype
Function spqparam
Function spqsap
Function spqiq
Function spqqbx
Function spqqsub
Function spqnoise
Template spq
Template q2n6678_sl

*** ERROR "TER_NOT_AUTH" *** No authorization to use data in file:
Template q2n3501_sl
Template diode_info
Template dsp
Template d1n5811
Template zener_info
Template d1n2981
Template d1n3828
Template d1n5418
Function argbp
Template ultracap
Template x2
Template x3
Template v_dc
Template GPS
*** ERROR "MAST_EXITING" *** Exiting due to previous errors. See file GPS.out.
GPS: total CPU execution time= 8.06 sec.

child process exited abnormally
*** The simulator process terminated
2006-03-29 18:59
2006-03-30 17:46
2006-03-30 20:28
2006-03-30 23:05
你可以用saber中的parameters search 去搜索一个和2N6678参数相近的三极管来替代它
2006-04-01 07:19
2012-03-01 09:17

with regard to this software,
including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.  In no
event shall Lucent Technologies be liable for any special, indirect or
consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use,
data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other
tortuous action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance
of this software.

Copyright (c) 1988-1989 Berkeley EDIF Software, Wendell C. Baker, and
Prof. A. Richard Newton.  All rights reserved.

This software is made available AS IS, and neither the Electronics Research
Laboratory or the University of California make any warranty about the
software, its performance or its conformity to any specification.


Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013,
FAR 52.227-14(g), or FAR 52.227-(19), as applicable.

                        Synopsys, Inc.
                   700 East Middlefield Rd.
                   Mountain View, CA 94043

U.S. Patent Nos. 4,868,770 (Canadian Patent No. 1,323,930); 4,985,860
(Canadian Patent No. 1,319,989); 5,046,024; 5,199,103; 5,404,319;
5,548,539; 6,532,569; 6,975,972. Other foreign patents pending.

Synopsys and MAST are registered trademarks of Synopsys, Inc.
CosmosScope and True-Hspice are trademarks of Synopsys, Inc.
SABER is a registered trademark of SabreMark Limited Partnership
and is used under license.  Other company and product names
may be trademarks or service marks of others and should be
treated as such.

Saber 2007.03-5.10 Build 27 on 20-Feb-2007 Copyright 1985-2006 Synopsys, Inc.
MAST 2007.03-3.7 Build 27 on 20-Feb-2007 Copyright 1985-2006 Synopsys, Inc.
Library 2007.03-5.5 Build 27 on 20-Feb-2007 Copyright 1985-2006 Synopsys, Inc.

     Searching for licenses ...
SABER_SIMULATOR:                 license.
Template q_3p
Template srctype
Template v_pulse
Template v_dc
line 27 of 20120301.sin near "_value=12v": syntax error
Template 20120301
*** ERROR "MAST_EXITING" *** Exiting due to previous errors. See file
20120301: total CPU execution time= 0.0781 sec.

*** The simulator process terminated
Reading configuration file "C:\Synopsys\Z-2007.03\Saber\bin\analogy.cfg".
Copyright (c) 1985-2006 Synopsys, Inc.  Rights reserved under the
copyright laws of the United States of America.

Copyright 1991-1998 by Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies.
Lucent Technologies disclaims all warranties with regard to this software,
including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.  In no
event shall Lucent Technologies be liable for any special, indirect or
consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use,
data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other
tortuous action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance
of this software.

Copyright (c) 1988-1989 Berkeley EDIF Software, Wendell C. Baker, and
Prof. A. Richard Newton.  All rights reserved.

This software is made available AS IS, and neither the Electronics Research
Laboratory or the University of California make any warranty about the
software, its performance or its conformity to any specification.


Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013,
FAR 52.227-14(g), or FAR 52.227-(19), as applicable.

                        Synopsys, Inc.
                   700 East Middlefield Rd.
                   Mountain View, CA 94043

U.S. Patent Nos. 4,868,770 (Canadian Patent No. 1,323,930); 4,985,860
(Canadian Patent No. 1,319,989); 5,046,024; 5,199,103; 5,404,319;
5,548,539; 6,532,569; 6,975,972. Other foreign patents pending.

Synopsys and MAST are registered trademarks of Synopsys, Inc.
CosmosScope and True-Hspice are trademarks of Synopsys, Inc.
SABER is a registered trademark of SabreMark Limited Partnership
and is used under license.  Other company and product names
may be trademarks or service marks of others and should be
treated as such.

Saber 2007.03-5.10 Build 27 on 20-Feb-2007 Copyright 1985-2006 Synopsys, Inc.
MAST 2007.03-3.7 Build 27 on 20-Feb-2007 Copyright 1985-2006 Synopsys, Inc.
Library 2007.03-5.5 Build 27 on 20-Feb-2007 Copyright 1985-2006 Synopsys, Inc.

     Searching for licenses ...
SABER_SIMULATOR:                 license.
Template q_3p
Template srctype
Template v_pulse
Template v_dc
line 27 of 20120301.sin near "_value=12v": syntax error
Template 20120301
*** ERROR "MAST_EXITING" *** Exiting due to previous errors. See file
20120301: total CPU execution time= 0.0625 sec.

*** The simulator process terminated
Reading configuration file "C:\Synopsys\Z-2007.03\Saber\bin\analogy.cfg".
Copyright (c) 1985-2006 Synopsys, Inc.  Rights reserved under the
copyright laws of the United States of America.

Copyright 1991-1998 by Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies.
Lucent Technologies disclaims all warranties with regard to this software,
including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.  In no
event shall Lucent Technologies be liable for any special, indirect or
consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use,
data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other
tortuous action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance
of this software.

Copyright (c) 1988-1989 Berkeley EDIF Software, Wendell C. Baker, and
Prof. A. Richard Newton.  All rights reserved.

This software is made available AS IS, and neither the Electronics Research
Laboratory or the University of California make any warranty about the
software, its performance or its conformity to any specification.


Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013,
FAR 52.227-14(g), or FAR 52.227-(19), as applicable.

                        Synopsys, Inc.
                   700 East Middlefield Rd.
                   Mountain View, CA 94043

U.S. Patent Nos. 4,868,770 (Canadian Patent No. 1,323,930); 4,985,860
(Canadian Patent No. 1,319,989); 5,046,024; 5,199,103; 5,404,319;
5,548,539; 6,532,569; 6,975,972. Other foreign patents pending.

Synopsys and MAST are registered trademarks of Synopsys, Inc.
CosmosScope and True-Hspice are trademarks of Synopsys, Inc.
SABER is a registered trademark of SabreMark Limited Partnership
and is used under license.  Other company and product names
may be trademarks or service marks of others and should be
treated as such.

Saber 2007.03-5.10 Build 27 on 20-Feb-2007 Copyright 1985-2006 Synopsys, Inc.
MAST 2007.03-3.7 Build 27 on 20-Feb-2007 Copyright 1985-2006 Synopsys, Inc.
Library 2007.03-5.5 Build 27 on 20-Feb-2007 Copyright 1985-2006 Synopsys, Inc.

     Searching for licenses ...
SABER_SIMULATOR:                 license.
Template q_3p
Template srctype
Template v_pulse
Template v_dc
line 27 of 20120301.sin near "_value=12v": syntax error
Template 20120301

*** ERROR "MAST_EXITING" *** Exiting due to previous errors. See file
20120301: total CPU execution time= 0.0625 sec.

*** The simulator process terminated

