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ul1310上说: 41.1 With internal connections disconnected, the strain relief means provided for a supply cord, or a
multi-conductor output cord where the interconnection of outputs exceeds Class 2 shall withstand the
force described in 41.3 applied to the cord for 1 minute without displacement or breakage of the cord or
deformation of its anchoring surface.
41.2 The output wiring of a unit other than one having a multi-conductor cord as specified in 41.1 shall
withstand the force described in 41.4 applied for 1 minute. The results are considered acceptable if, with
the output wiring connected internally, movement of the cord does not result in:
a) A reduction of spacings to primary or dead metal parts;
b) Damage to the transformer or enclosure; or
c) Interruption of the output wiring.
41.3 A 35 lbf (156 N) force is to be suspended from the cord and supported by the unit so that the strain
relief means is stressed from the most severe angle that the construction of the unit permits.
41.4 For units employing a flexible output cord, or a multi-conductor cord where the interconnection of
outputs does not exceed Class 2, a 20 pounds-force (89 N) is to be applied to the cord and supported by
the unit so that the strain relief means is stressed from the most severe angle that the construction of the
unit permits. For units employing output wiring consisting of separate leads, a 10 pounds-force (44 N) is
to be applied to each lead.
我得充电器适用哪章?还有第一章里说得multi-conductor output cord和interconnection of outputs exceeds Class 2是什么意思?能举个例子吗?谢谢.