此款AT6153 较于普通的用磁环同13005/13009 搭建的驱动线路功能更优,一致性好,寿命更长,同IR2153 可PIN TO PIN 替换,性价比较其优,并且我们还有AT6156 帯预热功能,同时也有内置MOS 的AT6253 / AT6256 。
. Features
● Integrated 600V half-bridge gate driver
● Adjustable Frequency
● True micropower start up
● Under voltage lockout protection
● Shutdown feature (1/6th Vcc) on CT pin
● 1us Initial Deadtime Control
● HID lamp ballast
● Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL)
● Cathode compact fluorescent lamp (CCFL)
Description The AT6153 are popular gate driver ICs, and incorporates a high voltage half-bridge gate driver with a front end oscillator similar to the industry standard CMOS 555 timer. The AT6153 provides more functionality and is easier to use than previous ICs. A shutdown feature has been designed into the CT pin, so that both gate driver outputs can be disabled using a low voltage control signal. In addition, the gate driver output pulse widths are the same once the rising undervoltage lockout threshold on VCC has been reached, resulting in a more stable profile of frequency vs time at startup.Noise immunity has been improved significantly, both by lowering the peak di/dt of the gate drivers, and by increasing the undervoltage lockout hysteresis to 1V. Finally, special attention has been payed to maximizing the latch immunity of the device, and providing comprehensive ESD protection on all pins. Typical Connections
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